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              Latest information on Veterans Health

Although veterans, men and women, have similar disorders and disease as non-veterans but some of them can be directly tied to your military service. The physical ailments related to our service are eventually identified as we grow older. The impact of our service on our mental health is not as likely to be shared or to seek help.

These are recent articles found in the media and the medical science litureture


Using Marijuana may lead to Heart Disease 

I know that many veterans are using Marijuana and this report below holds a warning for using this legal drug.


“Using marijuana as little as once per month is associated with a higher risk of both heart attack and stroke, according to a large study published Wednesday by researchers from Massachusetts General Hospital. The risks rose sharply the more frequently marijuana was used. 

Scientists analyzed data on nearly 435,000 patients, ages 18 to 74, to see whether there was a link between marijuana use and a higher risk of heart disease, stroke or heart attack.

Compared with people who had never used marijuana, daily cannabis users had 25% higher likelihood of heart attacks and 42% higher risk of strokes. People who used marijuana just once a week had a 3% increased likelihood of a heart attacks and 5% higher risk of strokes during the study time frame.”


Thank you to all the veterans who completed this survey the student was able to complete her data collection. She is using this study to help advance in here studies and obtain advance palcement in her next level of education.

Veterans' Deployment Survey


The CVH Center Veterans Health is supporting a 16-year-old NYC student who is doing a paper on Veterans and needs data.  She created the attached survey (17 Questions) to collect the data.  It takes 4- 5 minutes to complete.  The survey does not ask for any identifiable information like name, date of birth, social security number, etc. and your email is not being stored. I know her teacher and her husband (Colonel (ret.) who was deployed 4 times in his Army in Afghanistan and Iraq.


Veterans need to support our young Americans who are interested helping us below.


Survey: Veteran Post-Deployment General Overview


Hello, my name is Researcher D. I am researching which demographic of formerly deployed veterans will benefit most from my proposed method. This survey will help collect the appropriate data; please answer truthfully and to the best of your ability. It will take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete the survey. All questions are optional and personal information will be kept confidential.

Survey Tool - Veteran Post-Deployment General Overview


Brain Study Suggests Traumatic Memories Are Processed as Present Experience

Post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, is a memory that cannot be easily controlled. It can intude on everyday life , causing a person into the middle of a horrifying event, or surface as night terrors or flashbacks.

Decades of treatment of military veterans and sexual assault survivors have left little doubt that traumatic memories function differently from other memories. A group of researchers at Yale University and the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai set out to find empirical evidence of those differences.





Sleep Apnea Combined with Pulmonary Hypertension in a Veteran Patient Population

Sleep apnea and pulmonary hypertension (a different type of high blood pressure) these are two conditions that occur with high frequency in an elderly population. A study investigated the concurrence of sleep apnea and pulmonary hypertension in a Veteran population.  Sleep apnea of decreased blood oxygen and can affect the circulation of blood to the lungs.

Both these conditions can cause dizziness, difficult breathing and irregular heartbeats (Atrial fabulation). For veterans with sleep apnea may need a CPAP machine to help treat it. Many veterans struggle with the CPAP devices because it requires a mask. Not using CPAP could lead to pulmonary hypertension.

Getting and following the care required for either disease is essential.


Free medical-alert systems for veterans

More than 1.6 million American veterans currently have a disability rating of 70% or above, and they may benefit from using a medical alert system. This guide helps veterans and their caregivers, family members and other loved ones pick the right medical alert system for them and learn how to apply for and receive a medical alert system free of charge. It includes valuable information about the types of free medical alert systems that are available to veterans through the VA, provided the veteran is an honorably discharged former service member.

 Free medical-alert systems for veterans


A Guide to Veterans’ Benefits

by Rachel Lustbader

This guide for veterans benefits ais a nice review provided by is a leading online destination for caregivers eeking information and support as they care for aging parents, spouses, and other loved ones.

It  reviews the different types of benefits offered by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), eligibility requirements, how to apply for benefits, and how to use them to help pay for or access senior care. You’ll also find a directory of resources you can follow up with for more information or help with your benefits.

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